New Shows and VIDEOS

Great news folks!

Monday Feb 7th:
The Neighbourhood (Cari, Tim and Ken) will be back to defend their ‘Bout Time! title against a new competitor. As always, 8pm at the Elmdale Tavern, Pay-what-you-can $5 suggested donation. More on that later.

Saturday Feb 26th:
Crush joins forces with the Cowguys to bring you a delightful matinee show at… wait for it… Ottawa’s historic MAYFAIR THEATRE! Yes, this 80 year old movie house will be the spot for live comedy.  More on that later.

Right now, we’ve got some video to show you.  Hundreds of you have seen this already, but for those who weren’t there, we’ve got the tape of our Third Anniversary Special to show you!  We’re going to be releasing a new clip each week – but to start things off, here are the first two.

This might also be a great time to check out our new youtube channel and browse some of our old favourite videos. All these Third Anniversary Special videos will be in a play list so that once they’re all up, you can watch the whole show.

Huge thanks to the Algonquin students that shot this show, to Kevin Burton, Glen Gower, Uncalled For, Michal Grajewski, Sex T-Rex and the dozen other folks that made this huge event possible.