This April 2nd, improvisers from all over Canada hit the stage of Academic Hall at the U of O for the 4th annual Crush Canadian Improv showcase!
In our FOURTH ANNUAL Cross-Canada showcase, you will see performers from, literally, coast to coast. That’s right, we’ve got Newfies and we’ve got Vancouver Islanders, and a whole bunch in between. Previously, this event has packed The Cajun Attic (which no longer exists) and Mercury Lounge and now we’re moving on up and we’re happy to be hosted by the University of Ottawa Theatre Department!
All proceeds from this show are going to help house our guest performers who are in town to volunteer at the Canadian Improv Games’ National Tournament which runs April 3-7 at the National Arts Centre
This event will bump our regularly scheduled Monday ‘BoutTime show at the Elmdale to April 9th.
Crush Cross Canada Showcase
Monday, April 2nd, 2012
7:30pm start
Tickets $10 in advance