Crush Improv is getting our ducks in a row to get back to business in 2022. What business you ask? Funny business. Thank you for your patience.
Author Archives: AL Connors
Pandemic Update
Hi friends. It’s been pretty quiet here since March.
This is a quick note to let you know that we’re starting to move again with a delightfully nerdy twice-monthly D&D show, plus we’ll update this space with some of the projects each of us has going on individually… podcasts and books and theatre live-streams, oh my!
Thank you for your patience. Please sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know when we’re back online or back in person!
Take care!
-AL, Des, Dan, Kristine, Tim
Improv for Everyone (classes)
Crush Sundays at Yuks
Crush kicks out the jams the last Sunday of every month at Yuk’s on Elgin Street. 8pm
Comedy Mondays on Wednesday!
A quick note to let you know that this week, ‘Bout Time is moved to Wednesday Nov 14, and will resume our regular Monday schedule next week.
Crush in Carleton Place
Crush joins an all-star lineup of comedians from Toronto and Ottawa for one-night-only at the Carleton Place Arena! Dinner and show packages available!
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Comedy Mondays – It’s ‘Bout Time!
Shows at 7, 8 & 9pm, Mondays at the Heart & Crown in the Byward Market