Category Archives: Workshops
Yuk Yuk’s October 30th
Crush takes over Yuk Yuks with 2 afternoon drop-in workshops and a show!
Character Creation
This course goes beyond the basics and will focus on creating interesting characters.
Short Form Ensemble
This “how to cheat at improv” course is for anyone looking to try playing in front of a crowd for the first time, or any improviser looking to tone their games muscles.
Long Form Ensenble
For anyone looking to take to the stage and perform long form for the first time, or anyone looking to be a better ensemble player.
Improv Fundamentals
Anyone looking to try improv for the first time, or any improvisers looking to sharpen up their fundamental skills and scene work.
Academy launched
Crush is proud to announce the launch of the Crush Academy, offering regular courses and workshops to the Ottawa improv community.
Sketch Writing with Kevin McDonald
Join Kevin McDonald of the Kids in the Hall for a one day workshop to learn how to write sketches through improvisation – just like the Kids in the Hall used to do. But not only that! You will do a show that night with Kevin, in front of a real live audience, performing the sketches you wrote that day. Exciting? Kevin thinks so.