Second Anniversary Special!

anniversary-titleNovember 27 & 28 Crush returns to the Gladstone with some friends to celebrate our Second Anniversary.
Put it in your calendars.

Friday November 27 – Showcase! – 8pm $10 (cash only)
Friday’s show will feature improvised performances from Crush, Uncalled For, PROJECTproject and Sex-T-Rex – each group performing their own styles and forms.

Saturday November 28 – Blender! – 8pm $10 (cash only)
Saturday’s show will have the performers of Crush and their special guests all mixed together creating new cocktails and melanges of storytelling and shenanigans – much like the “secret improv shows” of this past Ottawa Fringe Festival.

In two years, we’ve had the pleasure of playing with fantastic performers around town and from all over Canada (and the occasional American and Australian).  You may have seen us at the Bytown Tavern / Yuk Yuks, Mercury Lounge, Black Sheep Inn, Ottawa Fringe, Club SAW, outdoors for the City of Ottawa, on the big screen at Scotia Bank Place

and at festivals in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.


Time to kick off our terrible twos with a great show / party.  A sharty?

A bit of info about our guests:

PROJECTproject (Toronto)
Described by Eye magazine as “one of the biggest and most buzz-making comedy troupes on the local scene…”, 2009 Canadian Comedy Award nominees (Best Improv Troupe), PROJECTproject, make a weekly ruckus in Toronto – hosting shows that are equal parts improv experiments & house parties in their semi-secret underground lair. In the past two years, they’ve taken their mischief on the road, performing at the Vancouver, Victoria & Montreal International Improv Festivals, at the Canadian Comedy Awards & Festival in Saint John, New Brunswick and many points in between. They’re also the rascals behind the annual PROJECTproject COMBUSTIONfestival, Toronto’s alternative international improv festival.

Uncalled For (Montreal)
Uncalled For is a multi-talented, multi-tentacled Montreal-based comedy troupe. Their spontaneous theatre was recently described as “comely, near-perfect improv comedy wonderfulness” by the Hour, and their 2007 original sketch comedy experience, THUNDERSPANK!, was the winner of the Chapters Best Text Award at the Montreal Fringe Festival. Another favorite sketch comedy creation, Blastback Babyzap, was the top-selling show at the Montreal Fringe festival and was one of the winners of the Just For Laughs Best Comedy award, while Toronto’s Eye Weekly placed the show on the cover, calling it “a highly polished, side-splitting comedic gem.” At the 2009 Ottawa Fringe, they won “Best Ensemble” for “Today is All Your Birthdays” which went on to tour the Fringe circuit. Uncalled For can improvise, write sketches, produce plays, host late-night talk shows and crash weddings. Uncalled For can do pretty much anything.


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