Saturday, December 9th, 2017, Crush Cast members new and old (along with some of our favourite guests) converged on The Gladstone Theatre for a marathon FIVE SETS, from 7 pm to midnight, broadcast live by the Algonquin College School of Broadcasting.
This was CRUSH TEN:
Crush Improv’s Tenth Anniversary Special!
Jump to the videos!(link)
The Cast:
- AL Connors (active castmember from 2007-2017)
- Des Warmington (2007-2009, 2012, 2014-2017)
- Cari Leslie (2007-2011)
- Brad MacNeil (2007-2012)
- Dave Lindsay (2007-2010)
- Tim Anderson (2011-2017)
- Jordan Moffatt (2011-2012, 2014-2017)
- Glen Gower (2012-2017)
- Dan Lajoie (2012-2017)
- Brooke Cameron (2013-2014)
- Kristine Shadid (2015-2017)
With special guests
- Kirsten Rasmussen
- Anders Yates
Huge thanks to:
The Algonquin College TV Broadcasting students who shot and broadcast the show, Jess Preece (SM), Chantal Hayman (FOH), Kat Wong (Tech), The Gladstone Theatre for hosting the show, Andrew King for the killer poster, Andrew Alexander for the dynamite photos
Here’s an article from Algonquin College about their involvement in the big show!
Here are some highlights of the nearly 5 hours of show Livestreamed Saturday, December 9th:
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Crush Ten: Crush Improv’s Tenth Anniversary Special
- Best Taped Live Performance
Click here to read an article about the Pay-what-you-can-afford pricing experiment Crush Ten tried.