‘Bout Time moves to Arts Court for Monday Madness!
This time, our two competing teams will be made up of all new performers, trained and taken from our workshop the previous afternoon on Sunday, January 27th. Wanna chance to perform in Ottawa’s hottest improv night? Come on out to the workshop!
NEWSFLASH:Here are the two teams drafted from the workshop!
Please welcome team TBA
- Mary Harvey
- David Howlett
- Zach Nevin
Please welcome team TBD
- Jillian Budgell
- LaurenWelcher
- Travis Chesney
For serious guys, there was an amazing turnout this afternoon, both in size and in talent! Rest assured, this is going to be a rock solid show of newcomers to ‘Bout Time! For real.
Hosted by Tim, Dan and AL.
only $5 (I know!)